Books Set in the Fall

I love fall! The colder weather wakes up my partly-dormant body and enables me to get things done. I’m able to accomplish more home tasks, more writing, more walking of the dog, and generally more fun when I have that autumn energy. Other things I love about fall: baking breads and pies, drinking tea and […]


Hey everyone! If you’re interested in signing up for one of my book buzz chats, click this link for sign-up genius and choose your preferred day. Fifteen slots for each day are available. Looking forward to chatting with you! Julia Buckley’s Book Buzz Also, DEATH and the SHAKESPEARE SHOP is now available as an e-book! […]


Who are the authors who made an early impression on you? One of the reasons I came to love mysteries was my early exposure to Nancy Drew. My sister and I were voracious readers of Nancy when we were teens, but by our teen years we had graduated to the books my mom read. These […]

A New Blog

A New Blog Hello, readers! I’ll be updating this blog regularly with news about my books and various little random thoughts that might amuse you. I might also share my little paintings. This one is called SPRING, and I painted it recently in an attempt to find my way around a canvas despite vision loss. […]